
Baby is the size of a:
Total weight gain/loss: I’ve gained 1.7lbs in the last month so 4.7lbs total so far!
Stretch marks? Nothing new.
Sleep: It’s pretty good but Lord help me if I wake up on my back then I’m sore for days.
Best moment this past week: Seeing you growing and moving away on the ultrasound!
Miss Anything?: Not having to take injections and prick my fingers numerous times a day!
Movement: Definitely getting stronger and more frequent! I have a feeling this one has a lot more energy and spunk than E.
Food cravings: Turtles, Orange Julius’ Strawberry Smoothie
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing!
Gender: It’s still unknown! Baby wasn’t been the most cooperative and our tech was kind of an airhead. LOL
Belly Button in or out? Almost flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Let’s go with happy. I wasn’t overly moody this week! 🙂
Looking forward to: December 15 & 22. I got the call that I get 2 more ultrasounds then to see the Baby. One is a follow-up for our anatomy scan on the 28th and the other is a fetal echo. Hopefully the one on the 15th is ok because this is a new “surprise” ultrasound and the fact it has to be done in Calgary makes me go “hrmmm”