Check this out!
UNB is so slack. I wrote a makeup final my second week back to school in January and the mark is still not posted. I’ve tried contacting one of the prof’s but he’s in Chile so I contact the secretary to see what’s going on. It’s been a month. I know the mark is done. It was a darn scantron for Pete’s sake. However, I have now gone over my “extension time” so a mark of F has been assigned to my transcript. (note: it will change once the real mark gets put into the system….whenever that will be!) Not that I like getting an F…it’s really inconvenient to have to track down my grade but I’m amused. I finally have gotten every mark possible. No wait, let me rethink that. I’ve never gotten a D.
Oh well, that’s besides the point…I have been given an F!
An F in intro Geology. HAHAHHAHAHAHA Yea right.
But take a look… how does the F look? It’s rather slimming isn’t it!?! haha š
ah good ole UNB never disappointing…
your course look like fun..and i’m not being sarcastic. I miss school
Yea the classes are pretty good…just a couple were boring BS. But I’ve learned lots (esp. in the Human Sexuality & Drug course)…some may say too much. (lol)