2009,  Pics,  Picture of the Day

I’ve made it 10 days

I did manage to find some beauty yesterday before it all went down the crapper.

I have always wanted my own field of daisies.  I’m drawn to daisies.  Next year I’m going to plant them somewhere in our yard.  Nothing easier…. they look beautiful and they are like weeds and take care of themselves.

I wish I had something to show the size of this dandelion fuzz…something to compare it too.  It was like the size of a tennis ball. Humongous! But I just noticed that it doesn’t look as massive in this picture, it looks almost “normal”.  But just look at the daisies at the base and you can kind of judge the scale of it all.

Day 10: Somewhere in backwoods AB
Day 10: Somewhere in backwoods AB

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