Puppy Love
Some people have asked if we ever regretted getting a dog. I can honestly say no. More honestly some days I think how much easier things (i.e. travel) would be but then I’d miss the interaction between E and Scotia. I must also admit, I do like being pregnant for the simple fact that the dog actually pays attention to me. Well, curls up and sleeps by my side or feet depending on where I am sitting. She doesn’t do this when I’m not pregnant for some reason. I have admitted that if we found out we were expecting E the weekend before we wouldn’t have made that trip to Lethbridge to get her. My life would be missing that piece. But, we were all lucky. We got Scotia and then found out a week later we were expecting. Lots of big life changes at once but we made it and are adjusting daily.
People always comment on how hyper or crazy our dog is but honestly she’s not like her first impression. It’s not bad at all when we are home. She is the calmest, most serene chocolate lab there could be (most of the time). She puts up with so much from E and just loves him for it. He’ll pull her tail to get her attention so he can throw her ball. He’ll take her food and want to feed it 2 pieces at a time and she doesn’t go for the full bowl. He’ll climb onto her back for a ride or hugs and she just lets him and again loves him for it. He can grab any ball she has in her mouth and will play fetch with him. I wish more people got to see this side of our dog instead of the crazy one you may see if you come to our house for the first time or bring another dog into her vicinity.
But, there is not many more true-r love than what I witness between my son and our dog. We spent the night away last weekend and a friend took care of her and the first thing E did when we got home was run into the house and look to her bed by the window then yell “cotia”. He ran to behind the counter and the stairs to see her and then realized she was outside so he ran to the door. We let her back in and he threw his arms around her and nuzzled. He squeals the happiest squeals when he hasn’t seen her in “forever”.
Then, Monday or Tuesday morning I got him out of his crib after nap and he went running to her bed and laid down on her. Then he bent down and nuzzled her face (it means he wants a kiss). She didn’t comply so he squatted down and in her face began tapping his lips and cheek while saying “isses”. She sniffed him all over and that was enough for him. They have a bond that I can’t even describe. God help the person who may hurt E with Scotia around. I don’t think she would stand for it.
He loves this dog more than I thought a toddler could…even though she can be a big pain in my butt some days, it’s worth it.
That’s how I feel about Clyde and the people who come to our door. He gets really crazy and hyper, I just wished they knew what a sweetie he is.
I do hope he has the same relationship with Alice that Scotia has with Eligh 🙂
I read this again and love it even more.