Well this is a new pass time of mine, with E. It is the most calming thing you can do. Hop into the tub and “swim”. And help him get clean! lol Normally I don’t wear a full bathing suit but when you want to take pictures and videos I figured I owe it to everyone to be fully dressed! hahaha
It’s hard to believe that a few short weeks ago he hated water…he hated his bathtime but now he LOVES both. Which is great for me because I can now bathe him before bed and it will help him go to sleep instead of the battle it used to be. He hated it so much and got so worked up that he was no where near sleep when all was said and done.
I can’t wait to take him in the pool here in town. I can’t start classes with him until he’s 4 months but J & I are going to try and take him on our own here in the near future. We were going to go this weekend, I even bought the cutest cloth swim diaper, but I threw my back/hips out on Friday. Although I’m a lot better than yesterday (after visiting the chiro for the first time in my life). Hopefully each day is better and by Tuesday when J has to go back to work I’ll be able to lift and carry E on my own. As of right now I can’t take care of him alone at all.
So without further adieu, introducing E and his Mom swimming in the tub on August 27. Oh yea, you can click on each picture to see an enlarged version but for some reason I can’t make them open in a new window/tab so you’ll have to use the back button. Just a heads up pour vous!
I love him!!!! When you guys stay over we’ll have to put both boys in the tub together! that will make for some great pictures!
Definitely!! It’ll be cute for sure 🙂
omg he is so sweet..i fell in love with him from the start :love:
So cute and it was very nice to hear your voice!! One month and you’ll be here :happy: :vhappy: