
Baby is the size of: Onion (~5.1″, ~5.9oz)
Total weight gain/loss: I feel like I’m the same as last week. I guess we’ll find out on the 2-4.
Stretch marks? Still escaping them!
Sleep: One night I’ll wake up a lot to switch positions and the next I won’t hear a damn thing. LOL
Best moment this past week: More frequent movement!
Miss Anything?: Eating the carbs and candy I’m constantly craving!!
Movement: The movement is getting strong and more frequent! I love it 🙂
Food cravings: Gummy Bears!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.
Have you started to show yet: Most definitely.
Gender: I can’t tell for certain yet, my instinct/mind/dreams are conflicting!
Belly Button in or out? You can see it through the right pants and shirt but still relatively flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: B’s baby shower on the weekend! Movement from the outside! Viability!