2010,  Baby A

Well Hello There!

So I think this is the longest I’ve been “away” from my blog and it’s definitely NOT because I don’t have anything to talk about. It’s been that I have been going NON-STOP for the past 2 months it seems.  I was working the close shift at work and by the time I got home and ate and had a moment with my dear husband it was time for bed.  Don’t even get me started on my weekends! Yikes! But it’s all been so much fun, and so productive. I will get a quick slideshow of the past couple months put together to sum it up instead of me rambling on and on.

Let’s see…latest news.  I am 35 weeks today.  Only 2 more until I’m considered full-term and I honestly don’t know where the time went.  I’ve loved every minute of it….well minus the 4 injections & 1 pee stick a day.  Man, I can’t wait for this GDM to be gone. It will be nice to not have to worry and wonder what harm I am bringing to Baby A by my placenta going wild and not making it easier for me to regulate the sugars.  Although, I did learn that it’s a good sign that my sugars were harder to regulate and insulin had to be increased so frequently because it’s a sign of a healthy, normal placenta.  I guess it’s something to worry about if the need for insulin never increases regularly while pregnant. So there take that P & I from the clinic. Can you tell I may not care for them. My normal person hasn’t been available the past couple weeks and I’m not liking the way they talk to me at all. It’s like they forget or don’t know I am GESTATIONAL not a ‘typical’ type I or II. But that’s another story for another day.

Today was a crazy busy day.  More so for J than for me. But not because I didn’t want it to be crazy, but he wouldn’t let me help at all. Not an ounce. Our backyard is now sodded and looks amazing. I can’t wait to be able to go out in our own backyard on grass in a couple weeks (when we can stop watering it like madmen).  I did so much last year and I honestly do not like sitting by watching. I feel like such a backseat driver and honestly, lazy. I’m just laying on the lounger watching and talking. It was torture. Pure torture.

But ok, that’s enough about that. I will dedicate a post all in it’s own to our backyard and housing adventures at a later date.  I really came on to share our ‘teaser’ maternity photo.  We were flip-flopping for the longest time whether we were going to get some pro maternity shots and finally decided on doing it and today was the day.  I can’t wait to see how they will turn out (probably 5-10 days) but she shared one of my pics from today.  It’s a little more…ummm, how do you say… risque (for lack of a better word) than people (maybe even including myself) were expecting.  Most pictures were typical pregnant lady ones (with and without J).  But then she wanted to get fun and adventurous and I’m game for anything. So here it is. I know I look naked, but really I did have undies and all that on. I’m not exactly sure how my bright blue undies can’t be seen but oh well. It’s just like the day I went wedding dress shopping….I had to wear camo blue undies that everyone could see with the sample dress. Well no different today I guess.

So here I am in all my  35 week glory…ok, I feel weird posting such a ‘revealing’ photo and I’m not sure how I feel about the facial expression but whatever. 😛

35 Weeks


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