2008,  food,  how-to,  Pics

Adventures in the Kitchen Part I

I had a bad week. My day turned into bad day.

So what do I do when I feel like this?

I head into the kitchen. I get adventurous. So today I tried something new. I got adventurous.

I love apple crisp. I’m damn good at making it too (just ask Carli….or J…or Peter…or Kev…) and I wanted to attempt a pie. So what do I do? Throw them both together and make an apple crisp pie. Ingenious if I do say so myself.

So here we go folks.

First things first. Pull out the recipe for my pastry.

Measure out the flour and salt to “sift”.

This is how you make ice water Laura-style! 😉

Next grab a 2 c. measure and an egg. See I even hubby gets involved.

Now grab your vinegar.

Grab your shortening.

Now back to the mixer. Cut in shortening.

While that is doing the dirty work for you go back to the egg-vinegar mixture and add water.

Add it by the tbsp. until it’s the right consistency. It took 5 or so tbsp. of the liquid

Then I threw it in the fridge until I was ready for it. This amount makes enough for 2 of my apple crisp pies or 1 double crusted pie.

Now that’s how you make flaky pastry a la Laura.

I’ll add the next chapter to this story shortly. 🙂

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