Happy Birthday Mr. E!
I took this photo just minutes ago at the same time you were born. I do this every year. I honestly can’t believe how big you have gotten. It’s hard to believe it’s been 3 years since I experienced birth for the first time and met you. You have really been amazing this past year. You’ve seen things, you know things you never should have had to see at the ripe ol’age of 2. But, you were a trooper. You took it in stride and handled it so well. You are wise beyond your years Mr. E. I’m sorry you’ve had to grow up so fast some days but then…
Driving like it’s his job
It’s about time I share some videos and pictures of the big little man! I take them and lots of them I swear! Here’s one from this morning. It’s only the 3rd time he would drive his car outside. We tried once on the sidewalk and it’s too fast on concrete that he got scared and wouldn’t get back in. He found out last night keeping it on the grass in the back lets it go slow enough that he’s not scared. Now to get the steering thing down and we’ll be laughin’. He at least looks well while reversing. Too bad it doesn’t stop him from running you over…
Like a Boss.
For the first time ever he initiated steps backwards and sideways with our developmental aid yesterday morning. When we tried to replicate it that evening and well, he showed us alright! He walked forward!
Noah is 1!
Today Noah turns 1. I can’t believe it. It’s a lot easier to put pictures together than the words (still working on it). But I wanted to share because I’m so proud of my little man and every thing he is becoming. It’s been a hard year but he amazes me and everyone who knows him every day! Here’s the link of Noah’s birth story I wrote while we were still in the Children’s Hospital last April: Birth Story The entries I wrote about this amazing man and difficult road we were given: Some of the Past Year with N Happy Birthday, Noah! We love you!
Christmas in MH
While giving Scotia her stocking and presents we turn around and see this: E got a few things in his stocking from Santa. Starting to open his giant mound of presents. It was a great Christmas! I can’t wait until E is older and “gets it” and tears into presents and makes the magic of Christmas even stronger in our household.