2007,  School Talk

Semi-productive Day ;)

So it’s not even noon yet and I’ve been semi-productive. I’ve added a new page to the blog. haha It’s for recipes. Recipes of all kinds. It’ll be food, snacks, drinks, etc etc. Feel free to add your own recipes and whatnot. I’m not that adventurous cooking in the kitchen but maybe I will be one day. 😎

My first class of the day has been cancelled. UNB is closed until noon. However, my class is cancelled because District 18 is closed and my prof needs to stay home with his kids. That’s awesome for me! Just too bad my other prof wouldn’t cancel class too. I will probably make the trek up to the school for it because this is the second last class before the midterm and there is going to be a short video and I guess she’s one of those profs who ask questions in regards to the video on the exam. Booo. I really don’t want to go but I should. No reason not to. I actually have a lot of work I should get done too. Two midterms next week, on the same day, within ten minutes of each other and I haven’t even read a chapter. :s However, I don’t even have the book for one of the classes. There is a copy on reserve at the library and I said to myself that I would go to the library and keep up on the readings. Hasn’t happened yet. I haven’t even started to photocopy the pages either. I’m getting slack in my old age.


  • shannon

    ur not slack..u just lack motivation…i hereby order you to panic and go to the library to spend all your hard collected change on photocopying before these papers disappear into other slackers hands

  • john

    you not slacking….I wouldn’t want to do it either. We will get some studying done this weekend….or maybe we will just watch some :hockey: or :cheers: :drunk:. Maybe watch a movie and eat some :show: it might be a :scared: movie or it could be rofl. But we wont get :angry: :@ :taz:. We could even by a lotto ticket….lets hope for the luck of the :paddys: ….but :waiting: and i should get going.. (lol)

    Sorry i just wanted to use some emoticons


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