Still alive
I know I’ve been awol for the past bit but for once I can say (and really mean it) that I have been too busy to sit down in front of the computer for any more than 5ish minutes at a time. It’s been a little crazy and I’m exhausted. You are lucky that I am here today…heck, it’s 7:55am on a Saturday and here I am.
Must be dedicated.
Or it could be that the apt. workers came to our door 20-30 minutes ago expecting the place to be empty but much to their dismay we were still here. We had intentions of getting up from our ghetto accomodations whenever we felt like it, shower, go to the market, load up the car and then do the walk out or whatever. But now that is all shot to shit. We just mopped the floors and once that is done we are going to shower, pack up the apt., go to the market and come back for noon.
Wait until you see the pictures from last night. What we subjected ourselves to. I will come back and post a pic once I download them but I won’t be doing that at this moment and you will laugh. We wanted to add to the story because we thought it would be amusing when we are rich and famous.
So everyone don’t forget, we no longer live on York. We only have 1 local cell (so if you want to know which number it is, just ask…I’m not posting it on the web. hehe). We’ll send another email once John is settled to make sure everyone has the right information and to let you know that John and I are indeed alive.
I will try not to have such long absences. It isn’t like me. There was so much I wanted to right about but it just didn’t happen. I will do retrospect blogs about it though just to keep everyone informed of that stuff I wanted to say. Lots has happened since the 18th when I last wrote. So stay tuned….
Well I should go hop in the shower so we can grab the last of our stuff and get to the market. Have a good one!
PS – Hopefully I will have internet back later today but I can’t promise anything.