….that’s the story of my life in the past two weeks. After this week no papers and maybe just 1 exam, it’ll be nice to relax for about a week or so. 🙂 We are hopefully going to be Halifax bound for at least a day, a week from this coming Friday. I want to ‘visit’ my dress and hopefully realize that I don’t need any alterations! **fingers crossed**
I have 1 midterm tonight and hopefully all will go well. I did ok in geology considering my prof asked how his last name was spelled for 1% on my FINAL grade!! He asked the dumbest questions and that probably was partially due to the alcohol he bathed in before coming to classes. Another grade should be out at some point today and I think I did pretty well considering….a friggin fire alarm went off in the middle of it and we didn’t have any extra time to complete the exam so hopefully my instincts are right and that I did well. I turned down a re-write because I was so confident. Eep!
I had a great boys birthday weekend with John and Peter Kinney. Nicki came up too and that was great. It’s been so long since girls came to visit me…lol Next time I promise to be more active and talkative….I just wasn’t feeling 100%.
Well, those are my updates for now so I’m going to go and make lunch and hit the books!!!