2008,  AB

Week 1

First week on the job and I have a raise. Man, I’m frickin awesome. 😉

Ok, so it had nothing to do with my job performance really, but still I’m awesome.


I just came from my first staff meeting and it went pretty well. It kept me entertained and informed and made me feel a little lost. And to top it all off, we all got a raise. It’s not monumental or anything but something to try and improve our income and show appreciation. I guess it’s been a long time coming and whatnot, but I’ve entered the scene at the right time I guess.

So I just have 1 day left of my first full/official week of work as a fulltime staff. And I must say that’s going great! I think I’m really going to like my job. I just may have found my niche in the childcare field. I know I’m good with 4 yr olds and whatnot, but there is just something about this age. Ok, that sounded cocky. I’m really not. I just know I can be very creative and inventive with that age group is all. Maybe the novelty will wear off. I won’t know that for some time but I don’t think it will. I just feel different. Not sure what it is.

Could it be that we are actually considered “professionals”. Something I’ve longed for, for quite some time. Could it be the wages. Could it be the kids. Could it be the centre itself. Or could it be the age I’m working with. Hard to say being so new to the game but I’ll get it all figured out eventually. But I think it has to do with everything.

But the biggest thing, for me personally, is that we are considered and referred to as “professionals”.  The management of the place, the wages, the directors seem to treat their staff as more than babysitters or replaceable staff. Not to say that I have been treated like this everywhere I’ve worked, because that is definitely not the case, but it’s something I’ve blogged about in the past. Something that has plagued me. This feeling of inadequacy and almost worthlessness in the profession I’ve chosen. But at the same time, some directors I’ve dealt with have treated me very well and professional like but haven’t had the wage to back it up. I know it’s not their fault and I won’t hold it against them though. But at the same time I’m not saying I’m making a mint here, but to consider someone a professional I feel they should be reimbursed appropriately, along with the other perks and considerations. I dunno, it’s so hard to explain.

It doesn’t change the way I feel about other places I’ve worked because pay isn’t everything. Don’t misquote me on that. You all know that isn’t me. Heck, if money was everything I would not be in this profession that is sure. It’s not a field you can enter expecting to make lots of money. All you other ECEs and teachers will agree with me I’m sure.

So my first week is going well. 🙂 My co-teacher and I seem to get along great. We are still working out the bugs of our routine but that is the first week or so for you. Of course, there are a few wee ones who try the patience and even then, that is an understatement. But so far, it’s not really phasing me. I don’t know if it’s because I’m new or because I understand what children at this age are doing. It’s a part of their development. Yes, it can be hard on the head and on the heart but I know why they do what they do. I have patience for little ones that I could only wish I have everyday, every minute of my life.

Even though it’s a great first week….here’s to tomorrow being FRIDAY!

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