2008,  AB,  fun,  Games & Fun Stuff,  random

Day over.

I made it through the day.

That’s an accomplishment.

Doesn’t sound like it but it was.

Today had the potential to be marked as one of the worst days in my history. Potential being the key word in that sentence. Because I don’t know what I would have done with myself if today was any worse than yesterday.

I won’t go into specifics but my day ended on a very sour note. I will note that it was not my fault. I tried my best to fix the situation as fast as I could. I couldn’t be faulted at the way I handled the situation. It was a damn gongshow.

I dreaded today but I got through and it wasn’t near as bad as I thought it was going to or could have been.

Tomorrow is another day though. But it’s the weekend.

Oh the weekend how I missed thee.

Not much on tap.

I may get around to posting some new recipes or pictures but we’ll have to wait and see.

What I’d really like to do is hang out with some friends. Sit back watch the tv (preferably hockey) and eat food and drink drinks…real drinks…alcoholic drinks. Just like the old days. But being in Alberta makes that damn near impossible. *sigh*

I may be going to a Christmas Arts & Craft fair sometime this weekend so that would be cool. I just can’t forget about it. I’m sure it’ll be nothing like the ones in Halifax but whatever, I don’t care. Little trinkets and crafts would be awesome…maybe reminiscent of home…it would be lovely.

Ugh. I feel so scatterbrained and hungry all of a sudden. What on Earth. What is the matter with me. First acid reflux/gastroesophageal problems and now a major case of scatterbrain. I know they aren’t related but it’s frustrating. I don’t feel like myself. My body is turning against me and trying to change it but I’m fighting. I am going to fight. I don’t care for this “AB Laura”. I want the “Maritimes Laura” to stay. Maybe I’ll wake up in the morning and all this scatterbrain-ness will be gone. That would be sweet. Bring back the short-term memory.

Off to have some bed lunch. Bring on the toast. Man, I haven’t had toast for bed lunch…or even a bed lunch at all in years. Oh the memories….

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