A world full of rainbows…
as I sit here on the deck looking around I see rainbows. Beautiful rainbows. I hear music. Music from my laptop. Music from the birds. Music from the passing bees. The music of nature.
It turned into quite the beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky. Ok there are a couple of clouds, but they are just wisps in the blue vastness.
So far today I spent the morning just laying in bed. I was up early enough, but I just laid there. It’s great to do that sometimes. It’s not a waste in my books. Sometimes you just have to take that time. Enjoy the nothing. Enjoy your own company.
Then I showered and came outside and helped John get the pool started. It wasn’t as green as last year. It shouldn’t take the 2-3 weeks it took last year to regulate. However, it might take that long because it hasn’t been very warm and it may take that long to have it swimable and to be enjoyable at the same time.
I think I may go out tonight. I haven’t been out in ages. Just something I’m throwing around. Shake my groove thang…shake my groove thang! 😉
I hope I don’t burn. That would suck. I’m ghastly white. However, it means I haven’t damaged my skin enough to protect itself from sun damage so that must be a good thing. No skin cancer for me. By the end of the summer last year I was a nice colour…many would still call it pale but it was pure sweetness for me!
So my laptop is getting hot so I’m going to stop writing and pay attention to the beautiful surroundings.
Peace out.
Enjoy your weekend!