2005,  random


What a crazy hectic week this has been. I’m glad that it is over. The preschool graduation went off without a hitch though. The kids were so darn cute it was unreal. 😉 But we all knew they would pull through in the pinch. Yay for all “my kiddies!”

So the summer offically arrived on the 21st but for me it was truly here today because I had my first offical trip to the beach. First of many that is for sure. Parlee was packed and that cool beach breeze that I always got home at the Merb definitely isn’t here. It was stiffling. The water was freezing…but what can one expect so early in the summer. Once I walked in it though I didn’t find it bad at all, but I wasn’t as brave as Carli and Chris though. They took the full body plunge. Eek! I could tell it was so cold so a hand in hand walk through the shallow water was fine by me.

2 other highlights for the day. Completely random and completely bizarre. Because of this ridiculous heat there was a thunder and lightning storm and I was just sitting here checking my email before heading upstairs to watch it all when I heard the biggest bang! I whipped my head around and there wasa bright light and sparks….a lightning hit! I stopped talking to everyone I was chatting with and shut this geekbox down and couldn’t believe it. Then when I thought all the weirdness was done; John and I were driving back from the Pumphouse and there was a woman walking down MAIN STREET without a top on. WTF?!? She was trying to cover herself but we had the stereo pumping so she raised her arm and let out some hoots and there it was. Man, what influences was she under…we all know who’s going to be in the drunk tank tonight. Muahahaha. Such a crazy day I had to make sure these stories were told.

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