2009,  AB,  House

Say whuuuuut!?

It has been a while I know. You are all well aware of the goings on for the most part of our past few weeks.  People have been asking why I haven’t been blogging. One simple word.


I was cautiously optimistic and didn’t want to have to come back explain things when/if it fell through. I’m like that. I didn’t want to put it out there in the real world for everyone to read until it was 100% final.

I would have been devastated had things fell through. I don’t know what I would have done. It wouldn’t have been dirty laundry I’d want to air on the internet. I just am cautious.

But as of today, it’s 100% final. The house is ours. It’s no longer conditionally sold. It’s sold. A sign will be on “our” house tonight/tomorrow!!! We are going to meet our agent in the am to take pics of our own, take a pic with the sold sign, and measure things/spaces. I am friggin excited.

I couldn’t stop giggling/smiling all last night and even now I’m smiling. So unlike me I know. But it’s all so exciting. The fear will set in shortly I’m sure. I have plenty of time to sit back and worry but be excited at the same time. May 15th can’t come soon enough.

I didn’t want to blog until this was all taken care of and we had our pictures to show and whatnot but people have been pressuring me and wondering why I haven’t been “talking” about all the new and interesting things in my life.

Pure fear.

I wanted to soak it all in.  Although, I have talked with and got opinions from almost everyone so this is news to not many people. If you have facebook, you’d be aware.

So let me go back and tell you the full break down of our last hectic month or so.

We were constantly looking on mls for houses and people were constantly asking us about housing and we would plug into mortgage calculators and get frustrated. We found a house that we loved but knew we couldn’t afford. Then that got us thinking, “what could we afford?” and “where do we start?” Worst case we are in the same position now and have to keep renting. No biggie. So we decided we wanted to find out because we have big plans to pay down student loan debt but if waiting and paying down debt wasn’t going to affect our mortgage approval why bother waiting. We should pay our self.  So we decided we wanted to talk to a mortgage broker.

So on Family Day (Feb 16th) we decided it was the perfect time. No sense getting frustrated without knowing the ‘real’ story. Since it’s a holiday here I would be able to talk to a mortgage person back in NS without having to take time off of work. So numbers were crunched and we were given a range and some numbers for that range. Man, it was sweet. We were excited. We decided that we wanted to buy a house in the late summer/early fall at the earliest and ideally, we’d build.

Fastforward to Wed. the 18th. We met with a builder, the builder we thought we wanted to go with. She took us around to show us some of their houses and their work. Lo & behold we fall IN LOVE with the first house we walk into. Everything was compared to that house. There was just something about it. However, she did point down to another house down the street that seemed to fit our ideal. 2-storey, 3 bdrm house. It’s not done so it had to be shown in daylight so we made an appt. for that. We walk into it and instantly like it and had a hard decision to make, if one was to be made now. But after thinking and going with our instincts we go with the smaller (height wise) house that we fell in love with. It was an almost painstaking decision but in the end, the right one for us.

We then met with another builder 2 days later and liked their houses and layouts too. The prices were a bit lower but there was just something about that first house. Nothing compared to it. So we knew we’d go with that first builder.

We got the realtor to take us back to the house on that weekend to take a second look. We loved it even more.

The biggest problem now became possession. We knew that we couldn’t wait to fall but didn’t want it right away. But this house we were in love with is available right now and no one knew for sure if the builder was going to let us wait. But that wasn’t an option, taking it now. We met with the realtor team to talk to them about our options and why we were firm on our decision the following Tuesday. They said they’d get back to us after talking to the builder. They were realistic but unsure but told us when they’ve done it in the past they’ve asked people to pay their carrying costs. So waiting for the phone to ring the next day was TERRIBLE.

John finally called me with their news. They said they’d wait until May 15th at NO COST to us. We wanted the 30th and were prepared to pay some carrying costs but what is 2 weeks. That would save us money and give us time to move if we don’t want to do it all at once. So we made an appt. to sign an offer and whatnot on that Sat. the 28th.

I was so excited I couldn’t sleep if I tried but that Sat. finally came and we went and read & signed so many papers. We knew the offer was fine since it was all the terms the realtor went to them with. So there was no question. They said now the house is ours until something doesn’t go our way (i.e. finances fall through) so it was conditionally sold.

We get back and email our broker so she could get the paper work going and find our bank. We had until March 6th to get our financing condition removed. They said they’d extend it if we need it but as it turned out we didn’t need it. Our broker got the final approval on Thursday the 5th and sent the papers over to our realtor. We got our mortgage committment papers TODAY and signed them over my lunch hour. The realtor said the sold sign will be put up and will meet us tomorrow at 11am to get pictures. We cannot wait!!

So there is the long version of our last exciting few weeks. Pics to follow as soon as they become available. 😉

May long can’t come soon enough!!


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