• 2007,  Games & Fun Stuff

    Name that Song…Version #3

    Guess away! 🙂 Econoline Crush – You don’t know what it’s like (Meghan) – Did you give up….Did it get easier….Did all those things you wanted….Come easier in the end?! Goo Goo Dolls/Supertramp – Give a little bit (John)….see the man with the lonely eyes…take his hand….you’ll be surprised Sublime – Wrong Way (Meghan) – Annie’s 12 years old….in two more she’ll be a whore…. Sublime – Wrong Way (John) – Let me tell you about a girl I know….had a drink about an hour ago…sitting in a corner….in a bar in downtown Hell… GnR – Mr. Brownstone (John) – I got up around 7….get outta bed around 9….and I…

  • 2007,  Games & Fun Stuff

    True Story.

    1. Someone knocks on your door at 2 am, who do you want it to be? Ed McMahon with a cheque. hehe Although I’d settle for John. :p 2. Your boss tells you he/she will give you a $20 raise if you’ll do your job naked, do you stay? Uh no, maybe if you add a lot of zeros after that 2 I *may* consider it. I would definitely get arrested no matter what though….I work with little kids….so I would have to make it worth my time. 3. Describe yourself: Stubborn, Confident, Honest, Crazy, Sarcastic, Smart, Aggressive, Compassionate….have I tooted my own horn enough yet!? 😉 4. Ever seen…

  • 2007,  Games & Fun Stuff

    How Well do You know Me??? *Game*

    Just copy this and email me your answers so others can’t see them…hehe. Then I’ll post them afterwards. I’ll post your score! May the best man/woman win! 😉 1. (2 Points) My name: 2. (4 Points) My last name: 3. (4 Points) Who am I in love with?: 4. (1 Points) Where did we meet?: 5. (6 Points) Take a stab at my middle name: 6. (1 Points) Where do I work?: 7. (3 Point) What am I afraid of?: 8. (2 Points) Have I ever/Do I smoke?: 9. (3 Points) Have I ever/Do I drink?: 10. (3 points) What are my parents names?: 11. (1 Point) Do I have…


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