2.5 month update
It’s been almost 3 months in our lovely house and it’s been pretty great but some things haven’t gone as planned (i.e. car breaking down, putting in a front lawn so early, etc) and some things aren’t going as planned (i.e. bar, 2nd bathroom, etc). But it’s still be a good time. We are doing everything but what we should be doing it seems (well except paying down student loan, we are still managing to do that! Not something I will sacrifice). I will admit, I still have the same boxes to unpack that I had months ago. They are just sitting there. There is nothing on our walls, heck that’s one of the boxes I haven’t unpacked yet. The ones with all our photos and frames and such.
But our game plan was to have the second bathroom done by Labour Day weekend and it’s not looking like it’s going to happen. We just have a few more sheets of drywall to hang but then we need to mud everything. And the guy across the street is going to do that for us at the same time he’s doing his bathroom and he doesn’t even have his permit yet. So we don’t have much time. Because really, after we mud the drywall we have to put in subfloor and tile and then the toilet and vanity, none of which we have. Oh well. Nothing we can do about it. We should have had it done though instead of the front lawn because really, we are going to have 6 people staying here and only have 1 bathroom. Uhhhh, that might get annoying.
But the biggest thing I notice is our lack of furniture.
I don’t care about the front room (that much) because I haven’t found the couch and stuff I want. I do know that we want 1 couch and 2 chairs….that might change if we found something that completely blows our mind. But the image I have of the front room is a couch with 2 chairs across from it.
The absence of the loveseat we need/want for the family room is very noticeable. We have the funds set aside for it, it’s just a matter of getting it from IKEA to our place and that is proving to be a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. That is for sure.
The forerunner of missing furniture though, is soon going to be that second bed and mattress. We don’t really think about it now because we’ve had no visitors but soon we are going to have visitors and need the bed and the airmattress. We completely forgot about the spare room pretty much until last week and now we are pretty much pooched and need to find another air mattress in a month or something. We should have thought that plan through sooner! Anyone have a bed they can give/lend us? haha We would have most of these “needs’ had we not needed to sod the front lawn and then buy a lawn mower. Lawn Mowers are expensive.
So this is our running list, as it stands now:
- Bed for the spare room
- Loveseat for downstairs
- Sofa (brown leather???) and 2 chairs for our front room
- Toilet, Vanity, Fixtures for 2nd bathroom
- Bar
- Peragola for outside (this one is a long time coming…. possibly years)
- More silverware.
- Photo wall (this one will probably get moved up the list once we get to IKEA and when I stop being lazy and go through all my pictures and decide on the ones I want to display)
- Paint (after our 1 year inspection…so 10 more months until we can do that)
- Stone to go around our garden instead of the black plastic thing that is there now
Not too bad considering we’ve been here just under 3 months and have done a lot of things already. It might seem like a lot but it’s not really. None of it (except the Bed and Loveseat) has to be done anytime soon. It’s just our running ‘wish-list’ if you will. But I just need to get it out. And looking at it makes me all bug-eyed and feel kind of short of breath. That is a lot of things when you are paying down student loan at the same time. Ack.
One Comment
I know how you feel. We’ve lived in our house for a year and a half and we still have so much to do to it and our list of need & want to buy for it is on going.