Happy Anniversary to us
Two years ago I became a Mrs.
It may not have been the typical storybook happily-ever-after but it doesn’t mean our story doesn’t count. It doesn’t mean I haven’t enjoyed every minute of it.
Looking back I’ve enjoyed going through these ups and downs together (well enjoyed isn’t the right term because I would have rathered of not had to go through it all). Most of the things have been out of our control but still we faced them, got through them and are still here to talk about it. We may not have had it easy but that’s just fine by me. We will get where we want to be, we might just have to fight a little more than the next person to get what we want. Things have never been “easy” so really, I shouldn’t have expected that to change overnight. It makes me appreciate things a whole lot more having to work for anything and everything. It gives me a great sense of accomplishment about me, about John, and about us. It’s empowering.
It’s hard to believe that it’s been 2 years. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday and other times it feels like we have been together forever. I find it hard now to think of a time before John. It’s weird. It’s like he’s always been there…but I don’t mind! 😉
But just as I pledged my vows 2 years ago, I will say them again…with each passing year the vows seem to have more meaning and just remind me of that moment in time when it was just John and I forgetting the world around us and just focusing on us. Nothing else but us.
In the presence of God and before these witnesses, I Laura take you John to be my husband. I will treasure our friendship, and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. i will trust and honour you. i will laugh and cry with you, and share my life openly and honestly with you.
i do not take you for granted, i cherish you.
i do not need you, i choose you.i choose you today in witness of all the people who love us.
i choose you tomorrow in the privacy of our hearts.
i choose you in strength and weakness.
i choose you in health and in sickness.
i choose you in joy and in sorrow.
I will choose you, over all others, every day for all the days of my life. this is my solemn vow.
Love you.
Happy Aniversary (did you get my FB message?)!
and i still love looking at that display pic, ur vows still make me cry, hope you had a wonderful day :cheers:
Congratulations!! I can’t believe its been 2 years already! I miss you guys 🙁