• 2018,  Grieving Mom,  JAA,  reflection,  Relationships

    12 Years

    Yesterday marked 12 years since I walked down the aisle to the most amazing human I have the pleasure of spending my days with. It is the first year I didn’t make a publicly acknowledge or write a blog or do much of anything to say that it was our anniversary. Heck, privately we didn’t really acknowledge it either. We woke and said “happy anniversary” and then I apologized that I didn’t do anything this year. No card. No surprises. No plans. Nada. Nothing. John didn’t either. We were on the same page that this year luckily, we just didn’t feel like celebrating. And that is perfectly ok. Just a hug…

  • 2015,  family,  JAA,  Pics,  reflection,  Relationships

    9 years

    *Be forewarned, potential to be mushy* 9 years married today. 12 years together, 7 cars/Jeeps/vans, 3 apartments, 2 degrees, 3 provinces, 1 house (hopefully 2 sooner than later), 1 dog, and 3.5 kids (he he) later I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else by my side learning how to navigate this crazy thing called life that we have. My rock, my love, my best friend, my source of endless frustration and laughter. I knew that 9 years ago today I was making the choice I was meant to make and walked down that aisle without any fear or reservation. We’ve had highs higher than highs and lows lower than lows and it’s not the end of…

  • 2013,  JAA,  nostalgia,  Pics,  Relationships

    See this man:

      Yes him. That one right there in the canoe. I have been married to this man for 7 years. 7. And I love him more than I ever thought possible. Seven years ago today I stood nervously – since I have a fear of crowds & public speaking – in front of my closest friends and family and said these words aloud: In the presence of God and before these witnesses, I L.aura take you J.ohn to be my husband. I will treasure our friendship, and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust and honour you. I will laugh and cry with you, and share my life…

  • 2009,  JAA,  Pics,  Picture of the Day

    This is not our couch

    This is just John sitting and relaxing on the “Ashton couch.”  Being a smart ass. 😛  Too bad it is “too much” for us…I’m not big on the thumbtacky things all along the front and just the scroll arms is too much. Too old person/rich snob for me.


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