2009,  family

You can take the bluenoser out of NS

but you can’t take the Nova Scotia out of the Bluenoser.

That is so true.

But at the moment this Bluenoser is back in Nova Scotia. And it’s pretty sweet.

Funniest part of it all…the Arctic Airmass came with.

The news is complaining about this cold air that is also known as an “Alberta Clipper” or Saskatchewan Slammer. But it kind of fits.

Once upon a time I was blamed for bringing snow to New Brunswick and now this time the Clipper came with me.

After I left in July I took the sun and heat with me and the weather became BEAUUUUTIFUL in the Hat and crap here in the NS.

Maybe there is something to this. Maybe the weather likes me so much it moves.

But I’m hoping that I’m leaving the clipper here. I would like to enjoy the way above zero temperatures Alberta is experiencing while I’m gone.

So expect me to have a great time. I will be running around like a chicken with my head cut off but I’m aiming to get everyone in. It’s going to be sweet.

It’ll get me through the winter and I will have great stories to tell and lots of pictures! 🙂

There is no such thing as too cold to be a “tourist” so I’m aiming to get it all in.

God I’m excited to be here.

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