4 weeks and counting
So 4 weeks from this moment I will be/should be sitting in our new humble abode. Pretty damn exciting. And it’s getting close. Aaaahhhhh!
If you look at a calendar and count you may be thinking, “Laura you have lost it, it’s 4 weeks a day. You won’t be in your house until the Friday”. Well if it were earlier in the week you would be right. But the other day we opted to change our closing by 1 day. So it’s on Thursday as opposed to the Friday before a long weekend.
We thought, what if something happens then we’ll be screwed. No way to get in and get stuff taken care of until the Tuesday after. We would have wasted our days off. We would have wasted a trip from my brother to help move. I would have wasted my excitement for the long weekend. Not worth it.
At least now if something doesn’t happen on the Thursday or until real late on Thursday we will still be ok. I would actually rather it late Thursday so we can just move a couple things, i.e. food and bed and take care of everything else on the Friday and we would still have the weekend to unpack, hangout, and relax.
I guess we cut it close too because when we called our lawyer to notify them of the change they were going to call us that day to come in and sign our life away and make our payments in trust and stuff. So then we wouldn’t have been able to change it…well we would have but it would have increased our closing costs by a lot. Then we would have waited things out and just sat back to see what would happen. I’m sure we would have been ok leaving it on the Friday but it’s better safe than sorry.
So 4 weeks from now we will be homeowners!!!