Happy 3 Years to Us (& Day 26)

“Somehow I know
Without asking why
That you love me more in a minute
Than anyone could in a lifetime”
~Amanda Marshall
These words are just as important now as they were when I was saying them nervously & excitedly 3 years ago. I take this time to re-read our vows every year.
In the presence of God and before these witnesses, I L.aura take you J.ohn to be my husband. I will treasure our friendship, and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. i will trust and honour you. i will laugh and cry with you, and share my life openly and honestly with you.
i do not take you for granted, i cherish you.
i do not need you, i choose you.i choose you today in witness of all the people who love us.
i choose you tomorrow in the privacy of our hearts.
i choose you in strength and weakness.
i choose you in health and in sickness.
i choose you in joy and in sorrow.
I will choose you, over all others, every day for all the days of my life. this is my solemn vow.