It at least looks pretty here now…
This town looks pretty good once the grass is green and leaves are out. It looks clean and inviting. There definitely doesn’t seem to be all the construction like there constantly is in Moncton. No dust flying around. No construction vehicles tying up the flow of traffic. It hasn’t been that bad for the past few weeks here. I like it. Too bad it didn’t have things to do and wasn’t closer to my family in Pictou Co. and friends in Hali and whatnot. It makes me batty up here but at least I’m not alone.
That gets me thinking….I wonder how John handles me sometimes. It’s just me and him completely in Fredericton now. All our friends are done with this one-horse town. I’m a handful that’s for sure. He’ll never know how much I appreciate him not hating or resenting me for “being me.” Whatever that means. hehe I flip my lid over the dumbest things but somehow he doesn’t push back too far and no matter what he holds my hand when I’m sad, loves me even when I don’t deserve it, and always thinks I’m beautiful. I wish I could take him up on his offer of borrowing his eyes so I could see what he sees. He said I’d understand then. I laugh. I guess I’ll just have to take his word on it. Although there must be some truth to that because he’s always there loving and pestering (lol) me.
Well my pestering toad is now done working at school and I should go get him.
Oh yea…note about it almost being summer. I had my first BBQ’d hotdog of the season tonight (along with corn on the cob) so summer is definitely on it’s way. Soon I’ll get the obligatory bubblegum ice cream from Riverview or Kings and have a delicious summer drink on a patio on Main St. THEN it will be summer. ๐
I haven’t had any corn on the cob…so I hate you…Except I miss you a lot! Plus I had ice cream cake today. Its soooo annoying living at home!! Bah!!!!! We’re expecting to leave on Wednesday or Thursday this week but who knows. The delays are insane..I have a grad pic for you and maybe you’ll be home when you drive through. If not or if its too early, I can drop it in the mailbox. Oh and by the way, I know this is a rant place but don’t say you’re not pretty dummy :love: because you are and I love you. Any time you feel that way, just open your wedding album that has us all jealous because you look so good!!! We;re our own worst critics I know, but at least you have friends to tell ya the real truth. Miss ya! Enjoy the weather and go to Mexi’s or Jester’s Court for delicious nachos! :sunbathe:
Ice cream cake!!!! I’m jealous! (lol) I hear ya about living at home…well it’s not exactly my home but it’s the same thing. hehe So you are leaving tomorrow….wow. I’m going to miss you guys. Hopefully we aren’t too far when you come back. ๐ฎ Who knows where we could be when John graduates next April. :waiting: But I should definitely go to Jester’s Court for nachos…maybe I’ll go to the Fox again and get a candy apple in honour of you! ๐ Then I’d have to have my favourite chicken sandwich in the world….Mmmmmm….