It’s been just over 6 months
Check out my teeth. Try to ignore the fuzziness that are my eyebrows. 😛
But back to my teeth. They are fricking straight and pearly white. Well, the top ones anyways. My bottom teeth is a slower process and I think there is a lot more strategic manoeuvrings to do. A lot more realigning and what have you. I still have a wicked overbite but it’s getting better. Again, very slowly. But progress is being made.
The dentist is actually very impressed so far. I was asking him the prognosis and how long of a process this is. He said typically 2 years, and more than likely 2 years but some people get 18 months. But I’m looking at 2 years. But then he asked me when I got these puppies on and when I told him exactly 6 months ago, March 22, he was shocked and impressed at my progression. Yahoo!