Let me tell you a story….
The story is set about 2 weeks ago.
“T’was the night before classes, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, but up was our mouse. (Yes we had a mouse. Gah.)
Our laundry was stacked on the floor without care
In hopes that morning soon would not be there.
The hubby & wife were nestled all snug in their bed
While vision of candy danced in Laura’s head.
And Chris in his boxers, fell asleep in a snap
We all had settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.
When all of a sudden there rose such a clatter
I sprang from the bed to see what was that matter.
I heard a strange sound that I just couldn’t place
It sounded as though a firetruck did race.
I looked at my hubby only to hear him say….”
(Sorry I can’t continue with the rhyme. My creative juices just stopped working.)
…..”What!? I dreamt I was driving a firetruck.”
I never laughed so hard in my entire life! He had fallen asleep and it was one of the first times I’ve ever heard him talk in his sleep and all he said was “Maaa-maaaaa” (insert Firetruck horn here). Frig it was funny. If you could have only been here to hear it. He still gets embarrassed when I tell people…hopefully he doesn’t mind that you all now know too! 😉
ok i had to post something in my defence here… but you know what….I got nothing…It did happen and It was damn funny..
agreed. There isn’t anything you can say. It was funny and I’ll always remember and remind you of it! 🙂