
Baby is the size of: Eggplant (~3lbs) & ~16.5″ long
Stretch marks?: More are arriving as we speak due to the position of this baby. Stop laying across the bottom of my belly and stretching! hehe
Sleep: All good in the neighbourhood.
Best moment this week: Eating Pic.tou County Pizza. Mmmmm.
Miss Anything?: Sussex gingerale would have been perfect with the pizza!
Movement: Convinced it’s another Norris in training
Food cravings: Nutella & Animal Crackers
Belly Button in or out?: It was flat but indented this week, due to positioning (if that makes sense)
Wedding rings on or off?: Always on.
New Symptoms?: Nothing new this week. It’s pretty steady.
Happy or Moody most of the time: 99% happy, 1% moody
Looking forward to: My appointment with the OB on the 16th so I can see baby again and maybe see position as well.