2006,  rants'r'us

Boxes, Boxes, & More Boxes

The FREX, baking cookies, making chili, semi-early mornings….this must mean it’s Fall and school has sprung. Boo to that. I’ve been looking out for work and hoping something pops up soon. I’d much rather be working than school….part-time classes and full-time daycare work would be ideal! 🙂 *fingers crossed*

We’ve finally made it through all of the boxes, well most of the boxes and the apartment is slowly coming together. Still no couch though…that’s enroute. After the couch, a coffee table will be next on the agenda. I think it’s still going to look like a “university apartment” but we’re trying to make it more mature or whatever. haha

The honeymoon was awesome….the weather in Florida was great! The only problem was all of the friggin’ air conditioning….it made me sick for 2 days. It was everywhere and it was nuts to the wall….so cold. But we got to do all the rides we wanted, got to each park, had a blast, ate a TONNE of food, relaxed and met characters. It was such a good time we are already talking about going back. lol Probably not for like 5 years or so but it will happen. 🙂 Maybe next time we can go with some friends. I’ll post some pictures for people to check out. We took 100+ pictures a day so I’ll pick and choose.

Well, it’s late and maybe the insomnia is starting to leave so I should try and go to sleep.

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