Damn winter storm.
Of course Mother Nature sends us a big blizzard on the day we are supposed to be heading to NS. I should be almost ready to be heading homeward bound but instead I’m stuck in Freddy. I just want to get away. I’m so tired of Fredericton at the moment. We just need a break, away from school and homework and cleaning. However, we have over 30cm of snow for sure…if not, it will be by the time it’s all said and done. There is no way we can travel in this. It’s not looking probable for tomorrow either. It’s a long drive for one day…less than 24 hours home, but I’ll give Mom the choice. We will go next weekend if we can’t but it’s up to her. I’m so excited to see her so hopefully it won’t be too much longer.
The upside about today was that I finally wrote my last final from LAST term and it was meh. It’s the only way I could describe it. It was long and confusing at parts. But I think, *I hope* I did decent. We’ll know in a few days.
If we are staying here in Freddy I hope we will go out somewhere tomorrow night. We haven’t been out in a long time and John and I have been working all week and not been able to do anything.
Oh man, just heard Fredericton is SHUT DOWN. Nothing is open. Nothing is operating. It looks like a ghost town. We are so stuck. Gah.
Here I am at the beginning of this nor’easter…..dedicated student on way to her exam! 🙂