Nothing like a little child labour
to do my garden some good. Never too young to work for his keep I say! It’ll put hair on his chest. This I’m sure.
He loves “helping” me garden. I’m glad he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty. 🙂
On July 5th my garden needed a little tlc. Well not much, just needed to loosen soil and pluck off dead blossoms. Somehow my garden doesn’t get weeds. *knock on wood* so it’s pretty low maitenance.
As you can see my garden is flourishing this summer. Although my little yellow dahlia is a little behind the 8-ball but now, a week later, it’s almost doubled in size. I really need to get on sharing pictures of my gardens. They are doing so well and are so pretty if I do say so myself.
So little man wanted to help so I gave him my trowel since I was using the rake. I really need to get on finding a kids gardening set for him so he doesn’t lose an eye or something.
It really was a pleasant end to our evening.