2011,  family,  Pics

Nothing like a little child labour

to do my garden some good. Never too young to work for his keep I say! It’ll put hair on his chest. This I’m sure.

He loves “helping” me garden. I’m glad he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty. 🙂

On July 5th my garden needed a little tlc. Well not much, just needed to loosen soil and pluck off dead blossoms. Somehow my garden doesn’t get weeds. *knock on wood* so it’s pretty low maitenance.

As you can see my garden is flourishing this summer. Although my little yellow dahlia is a little behind the 8-ball but now, a week later, it’s almost doubled in size. I really need to get on sharing pictures of my gardens. They are doing so well and are so pretty if I do say so myself.

So little man wanted to help so I gave him my trowel since I was using the rake. I really need to get on finding a kids gardening set for him so he doesn’t lose an eye or something.  

So you say we are going to garden
Working hard
Now Mama, let me take care of these Day Lilies for you
All done & I guess he worked up an appetite!

It really was a pleasant end to our evening.


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