One of those life altering moments
Whoa, hold the presses!! I have news!!! I’m so excited I can hardly breathe! Ok, are you ready for it?!?!
I’m GETTING MARRIED!!! As of tonight I’m engaged! I’m marrying John! OMG! I’m so excited. It was all so romantic. It happened in Shediac and it was a complete surprise. It couldn’t have went any better even if he planned it. 😉 It was the best moment of my life so far. I’m getting married….I’m going to get married….yahhoooooo!!
I’ve made as many calls as I’ve could…well that time allows and most people of major, major importance (i.e. family) and I’ve sent out a mass email to tell all the rest of you. It’s going to be a busy time telling everyone and making choices. Wow. I probably won’t be able to sleep tonight. LOL