2008,  AB,  random

Tomorrow’s just a day away

This time tomorrow I will be high above the clouds on the first leg of my journey to AB. It seems so long ago that J began the same journey and it’s not until today, after I checked-in, did it start to feel real. Like it was happening.

Now I don’t know what to do with myself.

Such a bag of mixed emotions. Sad to leave. Happy to see J. Excited about new beginnings. Apprehensive about the ol’West.

Did I mention I’m excited to see J. hehe

I honestly can’t believe that this time tomorrow, I’m gone. I’m outta here.


It’s starting to feel all too real now.

But I’ll be back. It’s really not that different than living in F’ton. Just now when I come home it’ll be for longer than a weekend. So in actuality I will probably be home more than I was than when I lived in F’ton. So that’s a new way to think about it…and it’s probably the truth.

So Maritimes, I bid you adieu and I’ll be back. šŸ™‚

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