
Baby is the size of: a butternut squash (~18.7″ & ~5.5lbs)
Stretch marks?: Cool story. This baby has been trying to bust out of my belly button (it really hurts) and the other morning was super intense. I was watching it in amazement when the little stink pushed so hard for so long that I literally watched a stretch mark form in my belly button. I must admit, it was kind of cool to see.
Sleep: All good in this neighbourhood
Best moment this past week: J and E made us some St. Paddy’s day cupcakes with green icing. They were delicious. Then watching E eat them. Every bite or lick of icing you’d hear “Mmmm good”. LOL Passing the NST was also really good.
Miss Anything?: A giant bag of mini eggs
Movement: As the stretch marks question answered, it still hasn’t died down. It’s really intense. Not pops and kicks any more but a lot of pushing and rolling.
Food cravings: Homemade chocolate chip cookies, KitKat bar, Jalapenoes
Belly Button in or out?: As long as it’s not being pushed on, it’s flat. So neither.
Wedding rings on or off?: Still absolutely no swelling.
New Symptoms?: My BP was up at my appointment. It’s never up. It eventually went back down to normal but I don’t know what was going on. Hopefully that’s the end of that!
Happy or Moody most of the time: I had a pretty happy week. I’ve been pretty tired though.
Looking forward to: The next ultrasound this Friday. I can’t wait to see how much this baby has grown and hopefully I’ll get 100% on my BPP again! I also have maternity photos on the weekend!
Total weight gain/loss: +0.8lbs since my last appt. 2 weeks ago. So the grand total so far is hanging around 20.9lbs.
Soon! Ahhh!
You literally have the best baby belly in the world. I swear it!
Thanks! I really like it too! 😉