• 2007,  random,  reflection


    Whoever said Saturdays aren’t meant to be productive must not know what they are talking about. Ok, if someone took a look at my day it wouldn’t look overly productive. But it was. I learned a lot today. I learned that my cold has moved to my eye. I learned that I have little to no patience this weekend. I learned that I (we) are not ready for children. Not by a long shot. It actually makes me feel better. We have been worrying about not being able to afford kids and whatnot then I go out in public where there are kids EVERYWHERE. And I’m not ready to have…

  • 2007,  random,  TML

    The Toronto Maple Leafs

    If you look on my “to-do page” you will see a list of things I will hopefully complete before I die. There are a lot of things on it and quite a few checked off but do down the list a little bit and you’ll see #7. It’s like a curse. Something that gives me and others a chuckle. But it does deserve to be on my list. It’s something I want to see…so laugh all you want. Whatever. You can’t say anything I haven’t heard 1,000,000+ times before. I will still be a “make beliefs” fan. It’s like water off a ducks back. I won’t cheer for the French…

  • 2007,  family,  friends,  Pics

    Happy Birthday Carli!!

    I wish we could celebrate it together. Just hop on a plane and go somewhere and live it up. Sounds like a great idea. Maybe one day it will materialize! 😉 We would so go to Scotland and then fly over to Disney then back to NS. Now that would be pretty sweet! May this year be your year where you get all those things you want! It’s setting up to be a great one…soon I’ll be in the 27 club with you. No worries. 😉 Oh yea, the pic is from 2000. Oh so long ago. Where does the time go?! That was our hay day eh!? Also, I…

  • 2007,  family,  friends

    Welcome to the World Miss. Tabitha

    I know of many people who have been eagerly waiting your arrival. I can’t wait to meet you! 🙂  I knew from the beginning that you were a girl, but you had Mom fooled from time to time I do believe. So welcome to the world and here’s a big CONGRATULATIONS to the proud parents, Kim and Jamie! 🙂 🙂 I won’t post any pics until I get the ok. But all I can say is that she is beautiful! 🙂 Here’s the details for those of you who want to know: Tabitha Lynn October 10 @ 4:57pm 8.5lbs So once again, congratulations to everyone and I just want you…


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