• 2007

    The “F-Word”

    Did you know the “F-word” is FART. Yes, that’s right. In my classroom the “F-word” is FART. As in toot, pass wind/gas, flatuance. It’s not the good ol’ word that rhymes with Duck. The word I may use on occasion. Ok, more than on one occasion. It’s a very common word in my weekend vocabulary actually. I found it hard not to laugh. I heard one of the kids actually use the real F-word and told someone to F-You. But it was followed by the word Fart and this caused another child to get raised up in arms over the use of this word. The other big F-bomb flew under…

  • 2007,  random

    Oh what a life I lead

    Ok, I had this well written post then used my better judgment and removed it.  I didn’t use names or anything. I just vented and told some funny things I’ve heard and some down right frustrating ones I’ve come across. However, I was worried someone might actually be reading this and might actually care what I’m saying. So I took it out. Let’s just say, I’ve learned a lot more about people and their strange habits and beliefs. On with bigger and better things. Fostering individuality is important. Parents letting their children dress themselves is awesome. You just never know what you are going to end up with. The other…

  • 2007,  random

    Just for your information

    Thought everyone may not have heard about this…. just wanted to point it out. It’s good to know. Wal-Mart Canada to sell books, magazines and gift wrap at U.S. list prices THE CANADIAN PRESS November 01, 2007 TORONTO – Wal-Mart Canada Corp. says it will sell all of its books, magazines, greeting cards and gift wrap at U.S. list prices starting on Thursday as the Canadian dollar continues to rise above the greenback. The Canadian branch of the world’s largest retailer said that, for example, a greeting card that cost $3.99 Canadian will cost $2.99, which is its U.S. price. Oprah magazine will cost $4.50, instead of $5.75 and the…

  • 2007,  random,  TML

    “Hey, Leaf fans: Boo these guys, not Leafs”

    Hey, Leaf fans: Boo these guys, not Leafs Oct 23, 2007 04:30 AM Written by: Damien Cox Years ago, fans knew who to blame when the Leafs fell on hard times – crusty ol’ Harold Ballard. Today, club ownership is a rarely seen, seldom-quoted collection of suits. Clockwise from top left, Jim Leech of Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan; MLSE chairman Larry Tanenbaum; MLSE director Dale Lastman; Robert MacLellan of TD Bank; Robert Bertram of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan; CTVglobemedia CEO Ivan Fecan. The Toronto hockey public has known the two extremes of sports ownership. Both, in very different ways, created a sense of tyranny and helplessness for Maple Leaf…

  • 2007,  random,  reflection

    In a slump ?????

    Why? Not sure. Just am. Or am I? You can’t tell on the outside, but I feel it. I think. I’m loving work. I’m loving the kids. I’m liking where we are right now. But something is lacking. I lost a fire. I’m feeling very unproductive at home. I’m not feeling like “me”.  I’m not being the person, the wife, the daughter, the sister, the friend I’ve always been/I want to be. I have no idea why. I’m constantly tired. I feel withdrawn and alone up here. Yes, before I get flamed I have John and he’s awesome, nothing has changed there but I can still feel alone. He’s busy…


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