• 2012,  Pics

    Glad that’s over….time for sleep

    I’m tired. This day is all but finished. My bed is calling. Loudly. I’ll do a quick update for those of you who missed my random FB posts. (BTW, phones don’t work in Children’s unless you hold it just right or are by a window so all I have is wireless. Hence the updates through the internet). Noah was is a rockstar! He’s been sleeping pretty much since coming out of surgery, except to fight assessments and he really despises the O2 tubes up his nostrils. And he really threw a fit when his room got so warm. But once they listened to me about how much he hates being…

  • 2012,  Pics

    My First Born

    I didn’t want anyone to forget this beautiful face during all this! He’s still his amazing self and growing like a weed. He is so big and the things he does and comes up with daily never cease to amaze me. 🙂 We are now entering that toddler phase I was dreading. He went from having an amazing appetite and loving his veggies to no longer eating his supper, unless it’s pizza or spaghetti night. He’ll go to bed hungry before touching his supper. He’ll pretend to take a bite or a take a small one and before it’s reached his tongue it’s back out and he’s saying “yuck!”. It’s…

  • 2012,  Pics

    Big 24 hours in the A household!

    Warning: Brag post ahead. N is on fire the past couple days. We’ve seen it building over the past couple of months & especially this past month. It’s like a switch is going off. He’s reaching, batting, examining anything and everything he can get his hands into. He has head control (the majority of the time). He tries to pull himself up from reclining against my chest to sit (strength isn’t there but he’s trying). He turns 180° when you’re not looking. He is amazing me in every way possible all the time. Earlier in the week during his assessment by the developmental therapist he would turn to bells jingling.…

  • 2011,  BabyA2012,  Pics


    Baby is the size of: a butternut squash (~18.7″ & ~5.5lbs) Stretch marks?: Cool story. This baby has been trying to bust out of my belly button (it really hurts) and the other morning was super intense. I was watching it in amazement when the little stink pushed so hard for so long that I literally watched a stretch mark form in my belly button. I must admit, it was kind of cool to see. Sleep: All good in this neighbourhood Best moment this past week: J and E made us some St. Paddy’s day cupcakes with green icing. They were delicious.  Then watching E eat them. Every bite or lick…

  • 2012,  BabyA2012,  Pics


    Baby is the size of: a Durian Fruit (~17.2-18.7″ & 4.2-5.8lbs). As of our ultrasound today this baby is measuring ~4.5lbs Stretch marks?: Holding strong at 7ish. Sleep: I only woke twice this past week. Other than that, I only woke when my alarm clock (aka E) went off. Best moment this past week: We started painting the basement. The end is near. We have set a goal of Sunday to get it done. But hopefully sooner. We started painting and prepping on Saturday during E’s naptime. Miss Anything?: Orange Juice. I could live off it this week if I could but alas, it’s tres bad for glucose levels! Movement: Still nuts, except for…


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