• 2011,  BabyA2012,  Pics


    Baby is the size of: an avocado (~4.6″, 3.5oz) Total weight gain/loss: I don’t weigh myself at home, especially weekly, so I only know my weight when I have a Dr. appointment Stretch marks? None yet but lots of bruises from injections. Sleep: I woke up a lot this week because I kept going on my back and it was uncomfortable enough to wake me. Best moment this week: Back massage from J Miss Anything?: Being able to eat whatever I want, whenever I want without having to worry about consequences for the baby. Damn sweet tooth! Movement: Still feeling pops. Not strong kicks yet, just little pops and tumbles. Food cravings: Potatoes. Slurpee. Anything I shouldn’t have.…

  • 2011,  nostalgia,  reflection

    It was you.

    As I stood at the kitchen sink last night washing the last of a few dishes. I smelled something I haven’t smelled in years. My Gram. Just a fleeting scent that only lasted a second, but I recognized the smell I haven’t been around in over 7 years. It was hers and hers alone.  I can’t describe it to you. It just is. Now it was here in my house as I stood over the kitchen sink washing dishes while J & E were gone to the local do-it-yourself-store.  In my house that didn’t exist 7 years ago. It took me back in that instant and gave me comfort and…

  • 2011,  Baby A


    I love how you know when a book is upside or backwards or when to turn a page. I love how you’ll sit for hours with me reading books. I love your ‘evil cackle’. I love watching you figure out how something works. I love listening to you laugh when you are going to sleep or just waking up. I love when you reach over and rub my belly when you’re getting your diaper changed. I love watching you play and give love to the puppy. I love how your face lights up when you hear the door and your Dad comes home. I love how you are so independent…

  • 2011,  BabyA2012,  Pics


    Baby is the size of: a navel orange (~4.5” long) Total weight gain/loss: +3lbs since week 10 Stretch marks? None yet. Sleep: Still having no problems in this department. Best moment this past week: Having a snickerdoodle. Mmmm Miss Anything?: I’ve been wanting a strawberry daiquiri something awful. Movement: Still feeling random jabs and bubbles Food cravings: Strawberry Daiquiris, pasta and anything high in carbs, Snickerdoodles Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. I’m very lucky. Have you started to show yet: Most definitely. I love my little big baby bump Gender: Unknown but I still think it’s a boy. Belly Button in or out? Definitely on it’s way out, the bottom is flat and the top has that “eye lid” as I…

  • 2011,  rants'r'us


    con·trol (kənˈtrōl) Noun: The power to influence or direct people’s behavior or the course of events. Verb: Determine the behavior or supervise the running of. Such a simple word. But right now it has been eluding me. It may be the first time I honestly feel like I have control of nothing. I know things, many things, have happened in my life that I have no control over but I’ve always still felt like I was in control. Or at the very least had some control of some aspect of my life. Well this week I have been struggling. Struggling with this idea of control. Trying to find it again in…


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