• 2008,  food,  how-to,  Pics

    Adventures in the Kitchen Part II

    k here’s the second part that I started yesterday about my awesome invention of apple crisp pie. But before we begin I must point out the apples. I’ve never cooked with Granny Smiths before. It’s all I had and it was all I could find for bagged apples. So it was cheaper for me to do this for my invention. I would highly recommend Cortland apples (and I would have used them myself if I could have found them. They aren’t in season out here yet or something). So it took longer for the pie to bake than it would have if I had been able to use my darling…

  • 2008,  food,  how-to,  Pics

    Adventures in the Kitchen Part I

    I had a bad week. My day turned into bad day. So what do I do when I feel like this? I head into the kitchen. I get adventurous. So today I tried something new. I got adventurous. I love apple crisp. I’m damn good at making it too (just ask Carli….or J…or Peter…or Kev…) and I wanted to attempt a pie. So what do I do? Throw them both together and make an apple crisp pie. Ingenious if I do say so myself. So here we go folks. First things first. Pull out the recipe for my pastry. Measure out the flour and salt to “sift”. This is how…

  • 2008,  food,  Pics

    Come see, come see!

    I think I’m in love. It is such an exquisite piece of machinery. The only thing I have left is to name her. Any ideas??? It hasn’t come to me yet. I’m sure it’ll just pop into my head at the weirdest time. But maybe you guys will come up with the perfect one for me. I’ll give you some info about her. It’s a kitchenaid. Obviously. The colour is called Nickle Pearl. It’s a Professional model, 6 series…610 actually. I’m calling it a her…but if you have a really cool ‘him’ name I’ll consider changing the gender. lol I’ve been trying a play on words with the colour but…

  • 2008,  food,  random

    I’m getting a present

    A super-duper awesome present! I’m so excited I’m blogging before work taking up my breakfast time. But this is deemed more important! 😉 I thought it was going to be a real early Christmas present but I guess it’s just a “I’m so awesome” present! Nah, it’s because my husband loves me. But I really think it’s because he wants me to bake even more! Because I will I’m sure. I know he has alterior motives. It’s a gift for me that will be a gift for him in the long run. Smart man, I guess. 😉 I bet people can guess what my present is. I’ll give you some…

  • 2008,  food

    I did it!

    I friggin did it. Did what you ask? Well, you’ll just have to sit tight and read this blog. So first things first, I am 3 loads deep into laundry and made the donair sauce for supper tonight. But I wanted to bake. And I had a great idea. So I go to my trusty recipe box. That I just got that monogram plaque for the other day…it’s pretty snazzy if I do say so myself. I finally get to showcase my pride and joy. My recipe box. Ok, now back to the story. And say, “recipe box, I’m going to try something new today. What should I do?” And…


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