• 2010,  Baby A,  Maternity

    E’s Birth Story *LONG*

    “Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were here an hour I would die for you. This is the miracle of life.” -Maureen Hawkins Short Version: Sunday 4:17AM – Water Breaks at home in Bed 5:33 AM – Head to L&D to check fluid and a NST (confirmed it was my waters & was having very mild contractions & went home) 1:00PM – Early labour contractions finally begin (just like AF) 6:32 PM – Contractions finally intensify and are 2-3 min apart & 1 min in length 7:33 PM – Doula arrives 8:07 PM – Leave for hospital 8:55 PM –…

  • 2010,  Maternity,  random

    Am I crazy?!

    I miss my pregnant belly.  I missed it as soon as I didn’t have it. Don’t get me wrong, I love having E on the outside and being able to hold him but I miss that ginormous moving belly that I had. I miss the glow that has now been replaced with exhaustion some days.  I never was uncomfortable or wishing I was no longer pregnant so I think that has something to do with it. People, especially other women who are pregnant or have been, think I’m crazy! Maybe I am. Never said I wasn’t. What may make me even more “crazy” is I love my post-partum body. Well…

  • 2010,  Baby A,  Maternity,  Pics


    If you asked me that I would be posting this about 7 months ago, I probably would have thought you were crazy. I didn’t know if I was going to make it this far and somehow my body overcame and the baby thrived. I did my best to protect our little bean. I did whatever it took. I spent many weeks in bed trying to not worry about me, our bean, and the fact that I wasn’t earning money.  But money was the least important thing at that time and we managed. I had many conversations with the Man upstairs and many phone calls to my Mother, Lisa, Carli, &…

  • 2010,  Baby A,  Maternity,  Pics

    Trimester 3

    I know I’ve been a little slack with the blogging but honestly I don’t have much to say.  Plus when J and I get home we don’t have much time together so I sit with him and watch our shows and walk/play with our puppy instead of blogging.  Wish I had a job where I could have an office or something so I could blog when ever I want to. I’m sure I’d have a lot more to go on about. But this weekend marks the beginning of my last months as a pregnant lady.  I can’t believe that time is going by so fast! Where on Earth does it…

  • 2010,  Baby A,  Maternity

    24 Weeks=Viability! :)

    So I’ve reached another milestone. Remember way back in November/December when I set pregnancy goals for myself. Here’s a quick refresher. Make it to Trimester 2 Ultrasound on Feb. 10 Viability – March 20 Trimester 3 Being considered full term – June 12th Delivery Day 🙂 Well here’s to another one scratched off the list. A big one I feel. Now if anything were to happen they would use extraordinary measures on our little boy. Up until yesterday they would have just “sat by” because he would have been too young to try anything. Well, now no matter what happens he’ll have a chance. A chance that gets better and…


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