C’s Birth Story *LONG*
Short Version: Sunday 5:47AM – Messaged our Doula (L) to tell her I thought things were going to happen today because I woke with a rock hard stomach and just had a feeling 9:07AM – Having signs early labour was starting & we started messaging friends to find childcare for the boys 11:02AM – Messaged a friend to come over so we would be ready when it was time 11:03AM – Texted our Doula to let her know I was now having regular contractions (4-6min apart & 45sec-1min in duration) & managing well 11:08AM – I decided we should get Doula to come over 11:13AM – Friend arrived 11:19AM – Doula arrived 11:38AM – Leave…
My son, the hobo
Ok, not so much really. But honestly, it looks like it. He is loved. He is cared for. He is the best thing since sliced bread. However, he refuses to lift his right foot when we are riding/pushin him on his new trike. He wants to drag it. I didn’t want him to ruin his sneakers so I took them off and I figured he wouldn’t keep dropping his foot to tap and drag. Boy was I wrong. Nothing would deter him. Then I get home and get him off the bike and see this. I laugh. And no for the record, they were not like this this morning when…
What I know now
The past year has been one big learning curve. Some days I feel like I know what I’m doing and other days I’m lost, somewhere in oblivion. But, at least the days where I have some sort of clue have outnumbered the days I don’t. I’ve been trying to put into words how I have changed but I can’t. I know I have changed but it’s been so gradual it’s hard to pinpoint the differences. Where the “old me” begins transforming into the “new me”. Was it as soon as I got to hold E? Or was it when I was pregnant? Or was it long before? It’s funny because…