• 2012,  reflection

    What would I say

    Extreme Parenting Project I saw this video today and it inspired me to think of what I would have told myself on those early days. But first off, I love the name “Extreme Parenting”. That’s exactly what this is. Parenting brought to a whole new level of crazy. There is so much I would go back and tell myself. Some of it I don’t feel like sharing because it’s that personal. But trying to come up with 1 thing, or one thought is a lot. There is plenty I’d tell myself and I’m just in the beginning stages of it all. The first thing that comes to mind is You CAN…

  • 2012,  reflection

    Bravest Thing

    The prompt for November 13th was: What’s the bravest thing you’ve done? That question happened to fall on the day I was facing the biggest decision about my son’s medical care that I have ever faced. I just couldn’t get my thoughts to come together over that day, and the one after, to make a coherent post. I will now. I have time to reflect back and relax since we are home. Before that day, I didn’t know what I would have answered. Brave is a big strong word. There are many things I’ve done that I’m proud of and glad I overcame. For instance, childbirth. I don’t think that…

  • 2012,  reflection

    If you could change one thing about your life right now…

    …what would it be? Good question. I have a ton of answers if I really think about. But at the same time, do I really want those things to change. I could wish about changing our finances. Where I’m living. My extreme shyness, which I’m told is probably not shyness at all but a social anxiety disorder. Health for family members. My weight. How disconnected I am from friends. The fact that I’m a picky eater. But honestly, first thought goes to changing our youngest son’s diagnosis. I would take those years of therapies away for him in an instant. The hurdles he is going to (and will) overcome. The ignorance he’s going…

  • 2012,  reflection

    I feel like I’m forgetting something

    As I sit here watching “The Voice”, yes I kind of love that show, I’m trying to make a list of everything we need to do and to pack before heading up to the hospital for N’s surgery. It’s kind of daunting. There is so much with 2 kids, not including all the extra gear a special little guy like N entails. Where are the days when I could spontaneously run out the door and have everything I need in less than 5 minutes?! Will they ever come back to me? I still have this feeling I’m forgetting something. Something important. It’s been that way since I started the lists and…

  • 2012,  reflection

    Life Lessons

    It’s true what they say, when big things happen it shows you who your friends are. In the early days, everyone cares and are constantly sending well wishes and checking in then slowly over time they start to fade away. Ok, it’s not all that slowly. They return to their own lives blissfully unaware of the earth shattering blows I received almost daily. Rightfully so because I don’t expect to be the centre of the world and people have to get back to their regularly scheduled programming. You come to expect the natural pattern and flow of things. The influx of support then the slow retreat until you are left alone…


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